Happy 2020! And Happy New Decade! I hope you are well and starting off the new year and new decade with a bang. Previously, we talked about reflecting on your accomplishments…..your list of 25 accomplishments you had over the past year.
Let’s continue with the“Live Life Now!” series as we move forward to 2020 and beyond. Before we look at goals and planning, I want to focus on something very powerful…..your word for the year!
I would like to talk about your word(s) for 2020. Just as reflecting on your accomplishments is important, I also believe coming up with a “word” or “theme” for the year is important to have.
Let me explain a bit about why it’s important. Your word will be your guiding light, your “North Star”, if you will. When you are struggling or find yourself having negative moments, your word will help you stay on track and move forward. It’s a powerful reminder to you about your desires, dreams, and goals. It will guide you with your decisions you make and the actions you take throughout the year.
Ask yourself these questions to help you with this process:
1. What is important to me?
2. How do I want to feel?
3. Through what lens do I want to experience the world this next year?
4. How do I want to see myself showing up daily?
Maybe you want to feel more organized and less cluttered. Or you may want to feel more healthy and strong. You might want to feel more connected to friends or community. It could be you want to feel more impactful and supportive. Or it is you want to feel more playful and curious.
Connect with the reasons behind your word to help you overcome those times when you want to throw in the towel.
You can also have a word for your personal life vs. your professional life. I would suggest something that crosses into both your personal and professional life. But that is totally up to you.
My word for this past year was “trust”…..to trust me, trust the process, trust my work, trust the universe, trust my business coach, trust my fellow business group members, trust my intuition. For 2020, I’m still mulling over what word I will choose. But I’m leaning toward acceleration or propel.
After you have a word or words, think it over….sit with it….ask others about it….ponder over it some more.
I’d love to hear from you about your word for next year and how you decided upon it. Or if you’re contemplating and want to discuss it with me, feel free to drop me a line.
“Words can not only create emotions, they create actions. And from our actions flow the results of our lives.”
-Tony Robbins
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