….but if you are like millions of pet owners across the country, you just can’t imagine life without your beloved pet.
Two of my friends lost their pets to health problems recently. Losing a pet is so difficult; they are family members to us. I want to dedicate this e-newlsetter to Loki and Mia, two furry friends who are now in Heaven. May they rest in peace….
According to the American Veterinary Medical Foundation, approximately one third of American families own pets.
A pet in the home is more than just a fun new family member. Did you know the research shows having a pet increases our happiness and well-being in our life?
Check out these 10 science-backed ways pets boost the bliss in our lives:
1. They make us more active. Dog owners walk 79% farther each day than those who don’t have a dog.
2. They keep us healthy. Pet ownership is linked to a reduction in cardiovascular disease risk factors, such as lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol levels, and a lower likelihood of obesity.
3. They increase our social connections. Ever notice when you’re out with your pet, strangers are more apt to smile, say hello, even strike up a conversation? Animals are conversation starters and icebreakers.
4. They keep us happy. Simply owning a cat or dog was enough to reduce the risk of becoming depressed or feeling lonely.
5. They help with PTSD. A group of veterans with service dogs had significantly lower levels of PTSD symptoms than those who did not have a service dog.
6. They comfort us when we’re sick. Cuddles from a loving dog or cat are the best medicine besides, well, medicine.
7. They help you sleep soundly. Though sleeping with your dog is not conducive to a restful night’s sleep, researchers found people slept best when their dogs were in the room making them feel more safer and secure.
8. They are a natural pain reliever. When researchers observed a group recovering from surgery, those receiving animal-assisted therapy requested less pain medication.
9. They give you stability. For those who struggle with depression or bipolar disorder, having a pet is a huge game changer. Pets are able to give their owners’ lives stability, continuity, and meaning when they need it most.
10. They make you more attractive to the opposite sex. More than 90% of single women perceived men who favored cats to be nicer, and 82% agreed they found men who love animals to be more attractive.
- Please do your homework before getting a pet. Pet ownership is a life long commitment.
- Pets require lots of your time. They are just like a family member requiring lots of attention from you in many ways.
- Pets need time to adjust to their new home environment. Like humans, they adjust to change in different ways.
- If you want to help a shelter pet, but can’t commit to adopting one, fostering can be a great choice.
“There’s no love like pet love.”
-Ronna W.
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