Summer officially started on June 21 (in the U.S. and the northern hemisphere) where the Sun is the farthest north and is known as the Summer Solstice. The temperatures are rising and here in Las Vegas we have already exceeded 100 degrees!
Staying hydrated is an important part of your health.  I know you have heard this a million times…’s recommended you drink eight 8-ounces of water daily for good health.
Despite the fact that you’ve heard it often, do you actually do this?
If you do, then you’ll probably already know the long list of benefits this can bring. Drinking the recommended daily amount of water:
  • Increases your energy which brings a whole slew of additional benefits like being more productive, feeling less sluggish and tired, more energy for the kids or your job.
  • Improves your metabolism which can mean that you have better digestion and easier weight loss.
  • Detoxifies your organs which can mean a whole host of health benefits.
If you’re not already doing this it’s probably because you are out of the habit of drinking water regularly and as we all know starting and sticking to new habits can be a challenge.

Top tips to help you drink more water

To help you to start and maintain this important self care habit, here are a few handy tips:

  • Pay attention to what container appeals to you and helps you in drinking more water.  Buy yourself a nice water bottle or tumbler. You could also drink from a wine glass!  I have found using a straw in my water bottle helps me drink more water.
  • Keep a glass of water on your nightstand or in the refrigerator and drink it upon waking up in the morning.
  • Add a lemon to your water or keep your water ice cold to help with the taste.
  • Know the measurement of the type of water container you use so you can keep track of the amount you drink.

Yes, I know you will probably have to take more bathroom breaks, but over time your body will adjust.  The fact you are relieving yourself more is a good thing because that means your body is flushing your system out.  The better hydrated you are, the more lubricated your joints and muscles will be.

If you’re convinced that drinking more water is for you or you’ve already mastered this self care practice, I’d love to hear from you in the comments below. Feel free to share what has helped and what has hindered you to practice this habit daily. Also if you think that there are people in your world who would benefit from receiving my self care tips, please do forward or share this post.