The last few months since we started this shut down of our country feels like a fog. At times it felt like time stopped and we were just going through the motions of living. We were doing things to stay positive and make the best of the situation. But as I look back on the last couple months, it feels surreal. There’s a disconnection to our community. It feels lonely at times.
Face masks. Wearing them has become a new normal for many and seeing people wear them is a common sight anymore. As America continues to adjust to the wearing of face coverings, I have been thinking about the use of them. Living in Japan as a child, it was common to see people wear the face masks when they had colds to prevent the spread of it to others. I was used to seeing them worn in public back then. And yet it was unusual for me to see most people wearing them now. So as we see the face coverings worn in the present day, I’m thinking……
I have mixed feelings about face masks. I understand the safety issue of wearing them as per the guidelines of the CDC and the White House Coronavirus Task Force. I do wear them whenever I have to go out for groceries or for the few times I had to run errands (Side bar….I don’t like wearing them because they’re inconvenient, I can’t wear cute earrings, and of course lipstick is out of the question….just a little venting here). I noticed different styles of face masks too….some are plain of one color…..others have designs on them such as sports teams, animals, objects, or even sayings. We have to find fun in the situation we are in. And I acknowledge there are people who choose not to wear them.
But right now in the current state we are in, I believe its the right thing to do to wear face masks. I will continue to wear them. It’s vital for people to wear them for the safety of all of us. It’s about being considerate and responsible to others. We are all in this together. It’s about “we” not “me”. Collectively, we can beat this coronavirus. Sometimes we have to do what we don’t want to for the greater good. I think common sense tells us having some kind of barrier is probably good against the coronavirus. It’s difficult to know exactly how much it will reduce transmission. But overall, it’s probably a good thing to do. Every bit of effort helps in slowing or stopping the spread of coronavirus. So we might as well try.
Another thought about the use of face masks is huge for me. The face coverings makes the connection between people impersonal. Our faces are the gateway to our soul, to our true being, to the essence of who we are. When face masks cover basically most of our faces, we can’t see facial expressions very well. We can’t see smiles or elation or surprise or frowns or confusion or anger or any human emotion in its full expression. The human connection is lost and we are not welcomed in someone’s space. I miss that human connection.
I can’t wait until the time comes when we longer are wearing face masks.
“All statistics in the world can’t measure the warmth of a smile.”
~ Chris Hart
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