Last weekend I took a road trip with some girlfriends.  It was a short overnight trip and we had a fun adventure.  It made me think about friendships and what they can bring to our overall health.
Research has shown there is a correlation that friendships can help our longevity, not only making our lives healthier, but happier as well.

Here are 4 reasons friendships can help you live longer:


1.  Friends have an effect on depression, morale, and how we cope with loss and hard times.  I know from a recent experience of personal loss, many friends were there for me, and some were new friends.  Their support and comforting words helped me through that difficult time.
2.  Friends can make us take up healthier habits and can make us quit unhealthy ones.  I started getting really serious about running consistently last year.  There are a few friends who have kept me apprised of upcoming local running events which kept me motivated with my weekly physical activity.
3.  Friends can add fun and dimension to our life.  Getting together with friends for happy hour, a concert, or dinner is a good time for laughter and satisfying discussion.
4.  Friends can increase your sense of belonging and purpose which lends to improving your self-worth.  During special times, like the holidays or celebrations, your friend’s invitations make those times remarkable.

Cultivating Your Friendships (existing and new!) 

Continue to cultivate your friendships.  Sometimes its easy to get busy in our lives, but be purposeful in making time with your friends.  I have to emphasize they are priceless gems in your life.

Also, it may be time to say “so long” to friends who are toxic to your overall health. You know who they are.

Making new friends may do you some good too. How can you make new friends? Think about what are your interests?  Or try something new you’ve wanted to do but kept putting off.

Ways you can meet new people who may become new friends include:  

  • Meetup groups,
  • volunteer with a local charity,
  • book a holiday with a travel group,
  • join a mastermind group,
  • take your dog to the dog park.

If cultivating your existing friendships or making new one is something you’d like to try, I’d love to hear from you in the comments below. Feel free to share what has helped and what has hindered you to do this in the previously. Also if you think that there are people in your world who would benefit from receiving my self care tips, please do forward or share this post.